
My Story About Payday Loans

I found myself in need of a cash advance payday loan last summer after I was laid off from my job. Normally it is difficult to qualify for a cash advance payday loan if you are unemployed, but my circumstances were special. I was able to qualify for a cash advance payday loan because my employer gave me a letter stating that I would be receiving a severance package equal to six months of salary. You might ask why I needed a cash advance payday loan if I had been promised by my employer six months of salary. Well, the catch was that it would take thirty days after my employment ended before I would receive my several package. I needed a cash advance payday loan because I would be without a pay check for thirty days.

I took my severance reward letter to a cash advance payday loans office in downtown Seattle and talked to a cash advance loan representative. The man I spoke with was very nice and although he could not promise me a cash advance loan, he encouraged me to apply. I completed my paperwork for a cash advance loan right there on the spot, offering my identification, bank account information and gave the cash advance loan office representative a copy of my severance package reward letter. I was told at that time that review of my application would take a few hours, but that someone from the cash advance payday loan office would call me later in the afternoon.

I was very nervous about my cash advance loan application, because if I was not approved it would mean that we would have had to borrow money from my parents in order to feed my family. Borrowing money from my parents would have been humiliating, so my hopes were high that my cash advance payday loan application would be approved. I am happy to share that a few hours after my cash advance loan application was submitted, I received a phone call from a representative working at the cash advance payday loans office and that person informed me that my request for a quick cash, cash advance had been approved and the money had already been deposited into my bank account. With a sigh of relief, I went straight to the grocery store to get food for my bare kitchen cupboards.

Approximately thirty days later, my severance pay of six months of salary was deposited into my account by my former employer. My cash advance payday loan became due shortly thereafter. The amount of cash I was required to repay the cash advance payday loans office upon the due date of my loan was equal to the amount I borrowed from them plus an APR interest. The total amount due was withdrawn directly from my bank account, so I didn’t have to do anything except make sure the money was there beforehand.

I am writing this article to tell my story and to express to you that cash advances and payday loans have been a great help to me when I needed them. If you are ever in a position where you need help making it from one pay check to another then I encourage you to see the help of a cash advance payday loan.

Approximately thirty days later, my severance pay of six months of salary was deposited into my account by my former employer. My cash advance payday loan became due shortly thereafter. The amount…. Learn more at Cash Advance Texas and fast cash

My Story About Payday Loans

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