
You Simply Won t Believe The Hermes Birkin And The History Behind The Birkin Bag-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

If you are like many women, you love handbags and shoes. Some women will spend more on one handbag or a pair of shoes than their mortgage payment each month. While this may seem absurd to others, a Hermes Birkin handbag can easily cost as much as some people make in a year!

There is a lot of history behind Hermes, their leather products, and the Birkin bag. While some may find this bag completely outrageous, others will wonder how to get their name on the waiting list.

The Birkin bag is named after Jane Birkin. On a flight from Paris to London in 1984, her favorite handbag, a Hermes Kelly bag spilled the content onto the floor. While complaining about the impracticality of the bag, the then CEO of Hermes, overheard her lamenting, as he was also a passenger on the plane.

During subsequent conversations, Jane Birkin designed what she considered to be the perfect bag. Obviously she wasn t far off. The Birkin bag was an instant hit and is one of the only handbags that actually holds onto or increases in value.

Hermes Birkin bags are not sold online and are only available in Hermes boutiques throughout the world. With a price tag starting around $7,000, few can afford such an extravagance. It s one status symbol that grows in popularity each year and celebrities such as Kate Moss, Lindsey Lohan, and Gwenyth Paltrow all love and cherish these handbags. Victoria Beckham owns over 100 of the Hermes Birkin bags, with a value of over a million dollars.

Should you decide the Birkin bag is for you, be prepared to wait. Traditionally the time frame to receive one of these handmade leather bags is between two to three years. While you may be able to find a Hermes Birkin at a couture consignment shop, it s very likely you ll still pay handsomely for it. There are also a few available on such online auction sites such as EBay. However, it s difficult to know if you are getting a real Hermes Birkin or a knockoff. If it s a true Birkin, you will more than likely pay a huge markup.

There are some of the Hermes Birkin bags that go for six figures. Many are special orders and much of the price will depend on the leather that is used to create the masterpiece, as well as the decorations. One such bag recently went for over $64,000 at auction and was encrusted with diamonds. Many stars like these handbags because it s an easy way to proclaim to the world, Look at me I ve made it!

In closing, a true Hermes Birkin is a work of art. It s also a great investment if you have the available cash, as you won t have to worry about the Birkin bag losing value. Many women find their bags are worth more a couple of years down the road than when they purchased them. When you re laying out thousands of dollars for a handbag, however, it probably won t matter that it s worth a thousand more in a couple of years.

You Simply Won t Believe The Hermes Birkin And The History Behind The Birkin Bag

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