
The Secret Behind Matrixing The Martial Arts-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

There is a tremendous amount of interest in Matrixing Technology. It is pretty obvious that Matrixing is going to be the next big thing in the martial arts. It is pretty obvious that Matrixing is going to sweep the world and transform the martial arts.

To explain why this is going to happen, let me say a couple of things. The first is that Matrixing does not make any martial art wrong, it makes every single art it touches better. The second is that the purpose of matrixing is to align the information of the martial arts, to make it logical and easier to learn.

Now the actual and defined purpose of matrixing is to analyze and handle force and direction. To understand this is to understand that every object in the universe has a direction. And, collision is the point at which the various trajectories of the objects intersect.

Thus, the point of matrixing is to control the paths of objects so that collision is avoided, or at least for one instead of against one. In the martial arts it is easy to see how this could be the heart of the matter. In fact, a little matrixing and you understand it is the underlying principle of martial arts, and life itself.

Joe Blow throws a fist at you, or a foot or a body or an elbow or a spear or whatever. You analyze the trajectory of the weapon accurately, and you can handle it. If you do not analyze the trajectory accurately, poor you.

How do you ascertain that you have selected the correct trajectory By knowing all the potential paths that could be taken. Only if you have analyzed the trajectory against all the potential trajectories can you determine that you have selected the correct trajectory to handle.

So matrixing is a method by which you can analyze all the trajectories, and thus select the correct one to handle. And, by matrixing, you can analyze all of your potential responses, and be assured that the one you choose is the best one. And, here is the real key, matrixing enables to discover trajectories that you did not know existed.

That's right, to discover what you don't know, and this makes you the ultimate pioneer, the ultimate explorer. With matrixing you have the key to discover all the dark, secret mysteries that are obscured and hidden, no matter if you are studying uechi ryu or parker kenpo or that esoteric form of silat. Beginners in Tae Kwon Do will learn faster, wudan tai chi chuan students will uncover the ancient mysteries, and even the bash and trash experts of the ground and pound arts in MMA and UFC will find themselves enlightened and uplifted.

The Secret Behind Matrixing The Martial Arts

PreviousThe Ninja's Sword - Shinobi Katana

The Ninja s Sword - Shinobi Katana-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

For the most part ninjas were not well-known to be skillful swordsmen. There were a a small number of who may possibly control a sword well during combat, but for the majority ninja, getting into a sword battle was not sought-after since they preferred the more "elusive" way to kill a target. If they were to make use of a sword during combat, you may well presume that they would contain a small handful of "dirty" tricks up their sleeves (or sheaths) that would provide them a huge benefit in a sword fight. Samurai loathed ninjas for their lack of honor and since they rarely fought fair. Ninjas were well-known to partake of "sneaky" tactics and would often work their comprehension of chemistry to create blinding powder (hidden inside their sheaths) or gun powder bombs to disable before disorient their enemies taking part in close combat. An additional barely known truth is that the characteristic ninja would often operate a flintlock gun to start with rather than drawing a sword if a alternative presented itself.

Here are a a small amount of distinctions on the subject of the ninja sword that must be mentioned. The edge of the ninja sword blade was not like that of the samurai sword. A samurai sword was double-bladed and designed with the strict purpose that it would exist used to exterminate an opponent during combat. Unlike the ninja sword, which was used in the role of a tool more often than for combat, the samurai sword was not made for chopping wood, making holes, or scraping lumber. The authentic ninja sword was like to a scythe in that it was single-edged, instead of double-edged. Occasionally, this sword was called the Mountain sword [Yamagatana] as it was designed for multiple uses like cutting timber (which was often done by ninja while clothed in disguise in the role of commoners). The ninja sword's blade was straight, unlike the curved samurai sword, which made it well-built enough so the ninja can apply it the same as a step intended for climbing high-level places such as castle walls. They furthermore used their sword to carve wooden objects, rope, and cloth. The knotted rope [Sageo] which connected the cover to the sword was nine feet in length, which was much longer than the rope used meant for other kinds of swords. The long connecting rope was thrown up on the wall until it fixed securely on the top of the wall and used in the same way as an anchor to subsequently pull themselves up. The sword guard, called the Tsuba, was much stronger and wider than the samurai sword so it too can be used the same as a step for climbing. Once they got up to the top of the wall, the lengthy rope attached was drawn in the casing.

Since ninja blended into their surroundings in the role of commoners, merchants, monks, and farmers, they concealed their weapons while wandering. Hauling a long curved samurai sword around which was made in support of combat would not have been unproblematic to explain if they were posing in the role of a priest or farmer. The shorter and straighter ninja sword was much easier to conceal inside a bundle of lumber or looked like a regular "tool" a tradesmen would apply for labor.

The information presented within this short article is just a small number of the historical ninja secrets known.

The Ninja's Sword - Shinobi Katana

PreviousThe Many Side Effects Of Coffee

The Many Side Effects Of Coffee-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

The smell of coffee brewing can surely awaken the senses. But people will feel the effects more after sipping since this is when the effects of coffee really kick in.

What are the effects of coffee Studies have shown this can boost the person's alertness, improve performance and concentration. Internally, this means an increase in the heart rate, blood pressure and basal metabolic rate. It will also promote urine production and can help relax muscle tension. It is because of this that many use coffee while studying for an exam, to help wake up in the morning or while working through the night.

The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine. Research shows that it is safe to drink one or two cups a day. However, those who exceed this may suffer the negative effects that include difficulty sleeping, headaches, irregular heartbeat, nausea and muscle tension. This may also lead to ulcer or heartburn, which is why experts also advise people to drink moderately.

Coffee isn't good for women who are pregnant or patients who have heart disease should avoid it since it could cause birth defects and other health problems.

But those who drink coffee may also experience the same effects by drinking substances that contain caffeine. Examples of these are tea, sodas and chocolates.

Coffee may not make the person do something foolish which is usually associated with the use of illegal substances or alcohol. But it can be habit forming. Those who drink it on a regular basis and suddenly stop may experience what is known as withdrawal effects that will disappear after a day or two when they are able to once again have a cup of coffee.

But coffee has been known to prevent certain diseases. Java for instance is effective as an anti-depressant. Others are known to lessen the chances of developing Parkinson's disease in men even if doctors aren't yet able to determine the cause of this disease.

Coffee is being consumed in almost every household. It can be purchased from the store or brewed at home or in the office. The effects it has on one person may vary with another depending on how well the body is able to react to the caffeine so when the individual has felt this is enough, it is time to stop rather than feeling the negative effects of consuming too much.

The Many Side Effects Of Coffee

PreviousThe Many Dangers Of Comsuming Coffee

The Many Dangers Of Comsuming Coffee-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Coffee has become part of our every day meals. In fact, most Americans wouldn't be able to wake up properly without a jolt of caffeine to their systems. They need that steaming cup of coffee to start the day with energy.

While coffee boasts of several advantages, it is also poses several dangers to the body especially when taken in excessive amounts. Acidic content Although coffee is basically coffee granules, some water and sometimes sugar or milk, it is a potent drink especially when combined with the body's natural acids. Unknown to many, caffeine, which is the main component of coffee, can combine with the stomach acids to form a toxin in the body called caffeine hydrochloride.

When this toxin reaches the liver, the body naturally produces a bile that will help remove the toxin. This is the reason why some people think that coffee can aid in their digestion because of bowel regularity.

Harmful Chemicals Coffee contains the chemical trichloroethylene in large concentration due to the use of pesticides in coffee plantations. The chemical is used mainly as a solvent and a cleaning agent in the clothing industry. It is also used in the metal industry as a degreasing chemical. Trichloroethylene has been linked to some types of liver cancer.

Another potential chemical in coffee that may harm the body is the chlorogenic acid, which has toxic side effects. Overworking the adrenal Coffee also contains an oil that can adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Because of this, the adrenal glands are frequently secreted, thus the feeling of always being full of energy. However, too much secretion of the hormone adrenaline can result in a rise in the blood pressure, tension in the body and low energy. The mood may also be affected as well as the appetite.

Counteracts medications People who are taking drugs or any mediations for pain, obesity, hypertension or depression are advised not to drink coffee as all their efforts in getting well could be wasted. A patient with high fever can also be harmed by coffee and is better off drinking lemon juice or even tea.

People who drink coffee often can develop a deficiency in Thiamine or Vitamin B1. This can cause fatigue and nervousness. There is also general malaise as well as aches and pains in the body. Headaches are also common. In addition, drinking too much coffee may also prevent the nutrients in the food that you eat from being absorbed by the intestines.

The Many Dangers Of Comsuming Coffee

PreviousThe Key To Victory On The Street "hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"

The Key To Victory On The Street "hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

I have studied more than a few tremendous punchers in my career, and being a no hype kind of guy, I must admit that the vast majority of them have been old school boxers, and bare knuckle boxers.

This is because I am a firm believer in the 'straight punch,' and quite frankly I find that todays athletic version of the hero's of the past are quite lacking when it comes to the mechanics of a pure and truly powerful straight punch, or should I say straight lead.

In fact I believe in it's power, efficiency and effectiveness so much that I have over time made it the center piece of my B.K.E. fighting system.

You see I believe that martial arts are about fighting and protecting oneself from those who would inflict their physical or psychological wishes, or way of life on you.

This means that the art in 'martial arts' does not stand for movies or flash, cash and celebrity status.

The art in 'martial art' stands for fighting, for combat; at least where I and the B.K.E. fighting system are concerned.

And as far as I am concerned there is absolutely no technique that covers so many of the intangibles of fighting like the straight lead. It's applications are indeed almost limitless.

In battle there is no time for fancy or complicated movements. The technique we use must be efficient and effective.

There is no time for wasted motion and a correctly applied and properly thrown 'straight lead' is both efficient, as well as strategically sound.

First off the majority of street wise guys and thugs attack with wild swings, and slaps. Some even use semi-properly executed hooks. In short they are all bear/cats.

Primal little animals who are mostly incapable of executing well thought out attacks. They are untrained, they are bullies, and they are thugs.

Even if they are trained the vast majority of them will do nothing more than use the straight "jab" as a set-up for what they home to be a knock-out punch ( a hook).

"There it is" so how do you deal with this type of undisciplined and primal behavior

You must let your opponent know from the out-set that your lead hand is a dangerous. Make sure they understand that it is a threat. Pop him a few times right off the bat, and make him respect it. Once you understand that he does not have an answer for it, that he has no other recourse but to stop the attack, rush you or continue doing as he is - you own him.

The rest is a piece of cake.

You can make him flinch, react to what ever you wish. You can guide him, sucker him or knock him out anytime you wish.

That is as long you are throwing the straight lead correctly and applying the proper principles of power production to the technique. This is an absolute must because a properly thrown straight lead is NOT A JAB.

A jab is of precious little use as an offensive weapon, and even more useless as a defensive one. A properly executed 'straight lead' on the other hand is a great defensive weapon, "stop hit," that also has uses as a simple direct as well as progressive direct attacks.

In the heat of battle, there is no time to think. The more steps needed for an attack, the more time is wasted in thought and the more danger you put yourself in. The flashier the technique, the more time and energy is used in wasted motion.

My studies, as well as my 30 years of experience has taught me one thing and to illustrate it I will quote another strong advocate of the straight lead, Bruce Lee. Bruce said," There is no effective trick to stop a properly timed simple attack, and always remember the best technique is offense or defense is the simple one properly performed.

So if your really interested in learning a power, effective and energy efficient method of protecting yourself and ending a fight early, learn the following movements:

* The Dempsey Drop or Fall Step
* The Shoulder Whirl
* The Upward Surge
* The Leg Spring
* The Push-Off

And learn correctly from a reliable source not from all the self-professed coaches on You Tube. You need to learn them from someone who has spent their entire life studying, and applying the principles of power that come with these movements.

Study Jim Driscoll, Edward Haslett, the fencing coach Aldo Nadi, Jack Dempsey and of course Bruce Lee himself, and while I do not put myself in such esteemed company as the greats above you can go to our website and study the B.K.E. Fighting system.

Until next time remember - " Hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"

John H Grissom

The Key To Victory On The Street "hit First - Hit Hard - Hit Often"

PreviousThe Future Us Housing Market

The Future Us Housing Market-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

In some of the worst housing markets in the country, deflation has reached double-digit proportions. While housing woes have reached around the country, California appears to be poised to rank among the worse. One of the primary reasons for this is the fact that in the last several months California has experienced the largest rate of deflating home prices. In fact, home prices in California have fallen at levels that have been unprecedented.
Miami, Florida has also proven to be a difficult market at the moment. Here, the weak mortgage market and record high rates of foreclosures have led to decreasing home values as well. In fact, Miami has been among the worst home markets in the country for two years running. The condo boom in Miami just a few years ago has fueled further problems that have now spiraled into a massive real estate bust.
The high flying Florida and California markets may have been easy to predict as being the first ones to crumble when the real estate market took a turn, there are other markets on the verge of falling that were not so easy to see. In hindsight, it is easy to see the rapid increase in home values during the recent boom as an indicator of the coming crash.
Other markets, however, did not rise as much or as quickly, which could be one reason why they have managed to avoid reaching the top of the list; at least until now. These markets include Nevada, Indiana, Arizona and Massachusetts. Declining home prices as well as high rates of foreclosures in these states are also contributing to their worsening real estate market conditions. In Michigan, where layoffs have been significant, the economy is playing a strong role.
Problems are expected to grow worse in many markets as several million adjustable rate mortgages are scheduled to be reset in the coming months. As these mortgages are reset, it is logical to assume that even more homeowners will find themselves facing the reality of being unable to pay their monthly mortgage payments in certain markets. When that happens they will be forced to either face foreclosure or in some cases make a short sell on their home as refinancing is becoming less and less of an option for many homeowners.
According to most statistics, the remainder of 2008 is still poised for problems in the housing market. Many statistics indicate that home values could continue to drop and new homes could experience a loss of up to 18% before the year is out. While there are some indications that the market could begin to level off at the end of 2008 or the beginning of 2009, many experts are quick to warn that when the market does begin to rebound it will not reach the point where it left off. In comparison to the housing peak of 2005, the rebounded market could still be quite a bit lower. Part of the reason for this is that in many areas, prices escalated so quickly that there is simply no way for prices to rebound back to that point.
Still, there may be some hope for certain areas. In many markets sub-prime mortgages have either left the market through quick sales or foreclosure. The stimulus package that is on the horizon is anticipated to help the housing market in many areas.
First-time home buyers may soon find the relief they have been seeking since they were forced out of the market, however, it may longer before homeowners begin to experience that same kind of recovery. This is because most homeowners are still reluctant to sell and lose the equity they once had in their homes. The simple fact is that many homeowners have yet to accept the fact that they can no longer get the same prices for that was possible just a few short years ago.

The Future Us Housing Market

PreviousThe Family That Prey - Tyler Perry's

The Family That Prey - Tyler Perry s-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Tyler Perry has definitely rose to another level with this movie, The Family That Preys. Lead by academy Award winner Kathy Bates and Academy Award nominee Alfre Woodard star as patriots of two families that are connected not by blood but by a long time friendship but is being torn apart by greed and marital irregularities. This, the sixth full feature film of Tyler Perry chronicles the life of two families. One a working class family and the other a upper-crust who become intermingled with scandal.

Kathy Bates who plays a wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and Alice Pratt played by Alfre Woodard as working class mother of two ladies lives are turned upside down as there adult children's extramarital affairs, unethical business practices and a dark paternity secret threaten to derail family fortunes and flip the lives of everyone involved. Andrea the daughter of Alice Pratt played by Sanaa Lathan betrays her trusting husband Chris played by Rockmond Dunbar for years as she engages in an long lasting affair with her boss William played by Cole Hauser who also happens to be the son of Charlotte Carwright.

The greed comes with the alternative motives of William as he is also focusing on becoming COO of his families company by putting together a billion dollar deal that forces his mother to sell off controlling shares of the company and having her voted off the board of directors. His plan backfires when his mother finds out about the plot and you will just have to see the movie to learn the rest.

I cannot praise this movie enough and I will have to say that this is the best movie thus far that Tyler Perry has put together. The all star cast drove the points home and he everyone in the crowd on the end of there seats through the entire movie. At the end the room rose with a standing applause and cheers. I myself even joined in the action.

As for children, I would say that children could watch this movie but they will probably not understand the situations. There are not parts that would warrant covering children eyes, nor is their vague wording.

Overall, this was a fabulous movie that if I had time would watch twice without any hesitation.

The Family That Prey - Tyler Perry's

PreviousThe Different Types Of Coffee

The Different Types Of Coffee-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Second to water in popularity, coffee is consumed by billions of people throughout the world. Statistics have shown that about 400 billion cups are consumed annually and that children and adults have been taking it for several good reasons.

Coffee is a popular beverage served in two ways: hot or with ice. It is naturally prepared from the roasted seeds of a coffee plant, and these seeds are known as coffee beans . The beans originate from an evergreen tree which has grown and has been cultivated in a number of subtropical areas around the world, including Latin America, the Caribbean Islands, Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Indonesia and other regions in Southeast Asia.

Being cultivated and produced in a number of countries, coffee comes in varieties. Each variety has its distinctive quality and differs according to flavor, acidity, amount of caffeine, and mouth feel. All of these characteristics are highly dependent on the environment where the coffee plants are grown, as well as on the way they are processed and produced.

There are three major varietals of coffee: the C. Robusta, C. Arabica, and the Blended types. Below are short descriptions for each type. Read on.

C. Robusta Known scientifically as coffee canephora, the Robusta variety naturally contains 40 to 50 percent of caffeine and is cultivated in some major areas in the world where the second variety, C. Arabica, will not thrive. This type has a bitter taste and has little flavor. Its aroma is deemed as something similar to that of brunt rubber or wet cardboard. And, one of the very pricey and unusual subtype of this species is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak and the Kape Alamid, which is known and highly valued in the Philippines.

C. Arabica Noted to have originated from the Arabian Peninsula, the Coffee Arabica is the older type of coffee known to man. It is thought to be indigenous to Ethiopia, and is widely known for its richer flavor and taste. Some of the well-known subtypes of C. Arabica are Colombian, Colombian milds, Costa Rican Tarrazu, Guatemala, Hawaiian Kona, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Harrar, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Sulawesi Toraja Kalossi, Tanzania Peaberry, Sumatra Mandheling, Sumatra Lintong, Java, and Kenya AA.

Blends As the name implies, this coffee variety is a combination of both C. Arabica and C. Robusta. Blends are generally considered mainly to create a sense of balance and complexity. With this idea, a number of blends are available nowadays and one of the oldest is the Mocha Java, which is but a combination of coffee beans belonging to the same name. This blend is noted for its chocolate flavor, leading to the blending of the known Café Mocha.

Several other varieties of coffee exist nowadays. All of these varieties are prepared from the blends, which are mixed with other less expensive varieties to provide a new taste and flavor. The Jamaica Blue Mountain and the Hawaiian Kona are but two of the most prominent examples of these recent coffee blends.

Please check out ArticleMash.com for useful tips and info about Food and Drink and Coffee.

The Different Types Of Coffee

PreviousThe Advantages Of Living In Texas

The Advantages Of Living In Texas-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

There are many advantages to living in Texas. The job market, housing market, beautiful wildlife, affordable living, numerous educational opportunities, and a diversity in cultures are just a few reasons why living in Texas can be great.

People from all walks of like, from the east coast to the west coast, have been flocking to Texas a lot lately. Why For one reason, the state has an overall stable economy. Jobs are abundant in Texas, as retail stores, restaurants, shopping centers, and all types of business are popping up all across the state. The oil industry in Texas is also booming, so there are more great jobs created everyday. The unemployment rate is rather low in Texas, as there are more jobs there for anyone than anywhere else.

Not only are there jobs for everyone, but the cost of living is decent as well. It s not uncommon to find a large, beautiful, newly built home for $100,000 - $200,000 the type of home that would cost a million in places like California. In fact, there are new affordable homes being built all the time in Texas. The more people that are flocking to Texas, the more the need for homes and apartments. This also creates jobs for construction workers and architects.

There are plenty of schools in Texas, including a large number of Universities. This gives everyone a chance to further their education. The large job market and the affordable living costs means that people can have more money for education, whether for themselves or for their children.

The Lone Star state is also famous for its many rodeos, ranches, and other outdoor activities. Obviously, there is plenty of entertainment in Texas. This also means job creation as well---for those adventurous types. There are plenty advantages of living, working, and attending school in Texas.

The Advantages Of Living In Texas

PreviousStreet Fighting Tips, Moves And Techniques

Storing Your Coffee Should You Freeze Your Coffee -Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

There are many different suggested ways to store coffee in order to maintain freshness. One of the suggested methods is to put your ground coffee or coffee beans in the freezer. Is storing coffee in the freezer a good way to maintain freshness Let s look at the pros and cons.

Freezing has been used for centuries as a way to extend the life of many foods. A diverse selection of foods can be frozen. Bread, meat, fruits, vegetables and even butter can be successfully stored in your freezer. Freezing even maintains many of the vitamins and nutritional value of a wide variety of foods. Coffee, however, isn t as likely a candidate for storage in the freezer.

Coffee has four main enemies against freshness: air, heat, light and moisture. At first, freezing doesn t seem to contain many of the offending enemies. However, appearances can be deceiving.

Coffee beans have been roasted in order to enhance flavor. The beans are also porous. Unfortunately a freezer can contain many other foods which have odors. The porous beans can absorb the flavors of many other frozen foods. Flavored coffees can be pleasant, but no one wants to drink seafood or garlic flavored coffee.

Moisture can also be absorbed by the coffee beans. Moisture can cause deterioration and loss of flavor. The more often you take coffee out of the freezer and put it back in, the more moisture absorption takes place into the bean. If you absolutely need to freeze some coffee because you have a large excess you d like to keep, only freeze it once. The more you take it in and out of the freezer, the more damage you do.

Freezing also breaks down the oils in the beans. The oils contribute to the flavor of the coffee. Breaking down the oils means taking away flavor, and let s face it, a large part of a good cup of coffee is the flavor.

When it comes down to it, freezing is not the best way to store your coffee. Keep coffee stored in a cool, dry, airtight container away from light. Freezing coffee is possible, and is best if you only freeze it once. The resulting loss of flavor and quality from repetitive freezing makes it a method of storage to stay away from. Your best bet is to purchase only enough beans or ground coffee to supply you for 1-2 weeks. Enjoy the coffee at its freshest!

Storing Your Coffee Should You Freeze Your Coffee

PreviousNewfoundland Avalon Region Explore The Historical Part!

Stop Your Attacker With A Self Defense Groin Kick-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

In today's scenario you often find a lot of criminals who might attack anyone with horrible intentions like to steal something, to show their power, to create panic, to abuse somebody or also to kidnap and rape you. You can't guess what is going on in the criminal brains of such psychics who may assault you wherever and at anytime. The local public is hardly going to help you, please do not expect them to come forward to protect you, they love their lives as we do. We are not living in the world of superman, spiderman or batman who might come to your rescue. So it is wise to learn to protect and secure yourself from these heartless attackers. There are many self defense methods that aid you to a great level.

You might try and fight back on the assailant by giving him a punch or a severe blow on his face, but remember you are a normal human being, not a great star or a Hollywood hero. You can take a pepper spray and spray it promptly on the asailant's eyes, these pepper sprays or perfume sprays are really useful for the women who are bodily feeble to fight against these muscular assailants. But the fantastic self defense method is to kick hard on the groin part of the attacker. When he gets a kick on the groin region he stumble to a great extent where he starts shivering with pain. Now you can take a good advantage of this condition and run for your security.

Well your martial art classes where you are trained for Kung-fu, Judo-Karate can help you during this crucial period to protect you from assailants. Your teacher who has taught you to fight successfully for your security often tells you about the places which can be attacked that causes the attacker to fall and you take the benefit of this. For a man the groin area is the most sensitive part of the body and it is greatly sensitive, so when you hit on the groin the attacker will loose his balance and senses shivers in his entire body, and that is a fantastic technique to save you from these brutal giants. Hence the women can surely protect her is she gives a hard hit on the groin region of the assailant.

You need to use your common sense and act swiftly to fight against the attackers. When the attackers come nearer to you and hold your shoulders or some part of your body and you are sure enough that your kick will strike him on his groin accurately, gather your strength and with all your force hit him hard on his groin area. His groins are very delicate and cause tremendous pain due to which his grasp on you becomes loose and you get a chance to escape. But to give him a severe kick on his groin you should be confident that you will strike him on the exact spot and so severe that it will give you an opportunity to flee, as this will be your ultimate and absolute opportunity to save yourself.

Women have to live in this world where they need to step out of their houses to earn an earning. They may usually face the attackers who attack with some dirty intentions in their mind. so women need to be trained sufficiently so that they can save themselves.

Stop Your Attacker With A Self Defense Groin Kick

PreviousSimple Guide To Coffee Beans

Simple Guide To Coffee Beans-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Coffee beans are grown on trees in over seventy countries in the world, including, Brazil, US and Indonesia. Coffee trees are very sensitive to weather and require strict growing conditions and regardless of the fact that they are grown in so many countries, in reality the actual output of beans is rather small.

The coffee plant, which grows red/purple berry fruits and the seed of those fruits are coffee beans. A coffee bean is the seed of the coffee plant. They contain about 08 - 2.5% caffeine, which is what makes coffee the most popular beverage across the world, with an astounding 90% of North Americans drinking it. It is also the world's second largest commodity, second only to oil. This makes it one of the biggest cash crops across the world, bringing a large amount of money for the countries that produce it.

The choice of coffee beans is really a personal one. Different beans yield very different flavors, aromas and bodies of coffee. The taste is usually a graduated one for many start with a basic cup of brew and their taste grows for a more sophisticated, stronger and flavorful coffee. The popularity of Starbucks is no accident as they produce a truly gourmet and rich tasting cup of joe.

Usually it is best to try a variety of beans and blends to determine your personal taste and preference.

3 Main Types of Coffee Beans

While there are hundreds of different coffee beans available depending on the region and grower, the following 3 are the basic and most widely used.


The Kona beans are grown in Hawaii and are most known for producing a very rich and flavorful aroma of coffee. The Kona coffee bean produces a hardy and full bodied rich cup of coffee and is never used in blends of any kind because it is so good on its own. Kona beans are very expensive and so are not as popular as some of the less costly varieties. But, it is not easy to give up a cup of this brew once you've tried it.


These beans are very popular and especially in America where it accounts for many breakfast and domestic blends. Often blended with Robusta it adds a good body and flavor. Arabica is grown in several regions of the world with Indonesia producing the richest in flavor.


Robusta coffee beans are more resilient than the others to weather and it is easier to grow and therefore less expensive. Often used in blends, it adds a nice kick of flavor and is known for bringing out the best in other types of coffee beans. Robusta is also grown in different regions of the world each producing beans with their on unique flavor.

Simple Guide To Coffee Beans

PreviousSabre Fencing Is An Exciting Sport

Sabre Fencing Is An Exciting Sport-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

In the sport of fencing, saber fencing is the most like the sword battle of yore. Sabers weigh the most and are the biggest of all fencing equipment. The saber is truly a sword with a honed edge along the sides, different than the epee and fencing foil.
The only parts of the body that do not score a strike in sabre fencing are the back of the head, hands and wrist, and below the waist. Double touches are also prohibited. Because side touches are allowed, fencers must adapt. Defensive strategies become complex and the scores tend to be much higher.
Swords were originally built for warfare. This explains the design of the sharpness of their blades and tips. Today, the sabre blade that is used in fencing is similar in form and function except that it tends to be less flexible than other swords.
Fencing is an unusual sport in that it depends less upon brute strength, and more upon agility and strategy. This unique aspect makes this sport accessible to many more athletes. Women can even compete with men since mere size provides little advantage. However, greater arm length can be an asset in this sport.
Equality in fencing strategies and equipment is almost total, with the exception being an option for women to don a specially-designed protector to cover their breasts during battle. Perhaps due to a perceived notion of non-aggressiveness, the epee and foil tend to be the preferred weapons of women fencers.
Sabre fencing is based on the same type of strict rules and etiquette that govern all other forms of fencing. The person who will start the fence is chosen by way of the rules of "right of way". An attacker aggressively uses slashes and thrusts. To counter him, the defender uses moves called parries. When someone scores, it's called a touch. Even though epee and foil fencing require a lot of footwork, the footwork is even more crucial in sabre.
Sabre fencing is popular as a high school and college sport as are epee and foil. It is an Olympic event. As a team sport, teams are usually three people with an alternate available but only able to fence if one of the three is injured or otherwise must withdraw. There are time limits to matches, with a common one being three minutes or eight touches for sabre.

Sabre Fencing Is An Exciting Sport

PreviousRenting To Students: Risks Or Returns

Renting To Students: Risks Or Returns -Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Although there are risks involved, renting to students can be highly profitable. In addition, they comprise a niche market that is never exhausted whether rental property is performing favourably or not. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, many students leave the areas that they grew up in and attend university in another town, city or even country. They are however in no position to buy property, and so renting is their only alternative.

Students who attend university in the same place as they grew up often feel the need to leave their parents homes in search of independence. Similarly, they are unlikely to be able to afford to purchase property and will seek out rental properties in the area.

In short, rental markets will always flourish in areas where there are students. What remains, is for property owners to decide whether or not to let to them. Provided that you take the risks into account, students can be a highly profitable market.

Recognising and Overcoming Rental Risks

There are risks involved in renting to students however, with careful screening and the right precautionary measures, these problems can be addressed and solved. Moreover, when one looks past the student stereotype, the risks faced are no more or less than those that those presented by renting to any stranger.

Key concerns include potential damage to the house, the possibility that they will fail to pay rent or for services such as lights and water and problems around noise. Renting to a group is also challenging because there are questions around who signs the lease and is responsible for infringements of it. While it is not ideal for one person to be held responsible for the lease as a whole, it is also difficult for landlords and managing agencies to chase many people, as opposed to one.

Solutions to these concerns include insisting that a parent sign the lease and that the parent agrees to be responsible for the transgressions of the group as a whole. Increasing the value of the deposit to include a services deposit is also a good idea. It is also important to ensure that a thorough inspection of the house takes place prior to occupation, as is recording the results of the inspection and having them signed by all parties. Conducting regular inspections is also an ideal way to check on adherence to the lease. If all of these seem like too much hassle for you to manage alone, employing the services of a reputable agent with experience with rentals may be a good alternative.

Assess the Suitability of your Property

Once you have decided that renting to students is worth a try, the time comes to establish whether or not your property is suited to student rentals. There are two factors that are important here.

One is whether the accommodation on your property is suited to student living. The other is whether or not your property is in the right location. The latter issue is one of convenience - because of the stage they are at in their lives, students need convenience. The most successful rental properties are those geographically situated near the city s tertiary institutions, as well as providing easy access to nightspots, shopping centres and transport hubs. Rental accommodation that meets these criteria will yield a higher return on investment than properties that don t.

Suitable types of accommodation vary from flats and townhouses to large family homes, suited to communal living. Furnished homes are a popular option because students are looking for hassle-free alternatives. A fully equipped home and kitchen also facilitate higher rental income potential.

Profit from Student Rentals

Property rental is profitable for a number of reasons. The first is that, provided you cover the running costs on the property with the rental, you will be making a profit. This is because the value of property will increase over time. Few people however, rent to simply cover their costs, and most property owners will profit additionally from the rental that they receive. There are a number of ways to ensure that this is possible with student rentals. The key to this lies in the type of establishment that you wish to run, as well as the manner in which you let it.

Landlords can be as involved or uninvolved in rentals as they choose. For those wanting to keep an eye on their property, direct hands-on management may be the way to go. Many parents with children on the brink of leaving home are concerned about their offspring s ability to fend for themselves.

With a chronic shortage of residence rooms at universities, many seek out hostel-type homes with a matron to keep an eye on their precious children. This role is not for everyone and it comes with a great deal of responsibility. However, it does allow owners to liaise with the students parents, to live on the property and to set rules for occupation. Also, the fact that there is supervision in the house allows homeowners to charge more rent, as well as making the set amount one that is all inclusive ensuring that services get paid for.

For landowners wanting to take a more indirect approach to student rentals, there are two alternatives. One is to rent the rooms out individually at a predetermined price and the other is to rent the house to a group of students as a whole. There are advantages and disadvantages to both tactics. The advantages associated with the former include the ability to make the amount an all inclusive one. However, it does present the problem of having to keep track of numerous individuals. The latter alternative may yield less profit overall. However, they may be less of an administrative hassle in the long run.

To reiterate - renting to students can be risky, although arguably no more risky than renting to any other previously unknown tenants. It can however also be very profitable, particularly when rental markets are low and there is a shortage of tenants looking for homes. Profitability depends on the way in which you decide to lease your property, as well as its position and size.

Renting To Students: Risks Or Returns

PreviousRental Market Thriving In Warrington

Rental Market Thriving In Warrington-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

The rental market has boomed since the recession saw the rise of Generation Rent . Aspiring first-time buyers are increasingly kept off the property ladder thanks to the tough lending policies and high property costs. Housing experts say that renting is a reality for many for the foreseeable future.

In Warrington, there s a strong rental market thanks to the University of Cheshire ensuring a strong student population. But it isn t just students who need rental accommodation. It was thought by some that the recession would result in a turn around for first time buyers, bringing property prices down and making home ownership more accessible. But in fact, the downturn has changed the property market fundamentally ensuring renting is the only option for millions of people. It s thought the average age of first time buyers has now shot up to 38 thanks to the mortgage squeeze and housing shortage; the private rental sector has never been so vibrant.
For landlords and buy-to-let investors it s good news. Industry experts have announced that renting will be the tenure of the decade as the 100% mortgage is not expected to make a return anytime soon, leaving millions no financial choice but to rent.

Warrington is a strong residential region thanks to the fact it offers something for everyone, from fine historical buildings to an award-winning shopping environment and strong attractions for families. The town centre now boasts a Cultural Quarter featuring the Pyramid arts centre and Warrington Museum and Art Gallery. Add to that canal walks, picturesque villages and a huge array of woodlands, parks and gardens it s not surprising it is such a popular region to live. Warrington was founded by the Romans and emerged as an important market and bridging town thanks to the Manchester to Liverpool railway and the Manchester Ship canal. The population of Warrington has more than doubled since 1968 and the future for Warrington looks even brighter, thanks to the £1 billion Omega Development Site which promises to be one of the most active and sustainable business communities in Europe.

Rental Market Thriving In Warrington

PreviousReasons To Visit Spanish-speaking Countries

Reasons To Visit Spanish-speaking Countries-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Of all the vacation spots in the world, countries where the native language is Spanish are often the best to visit. Here is why.

Whether it is going to Cancun or the South of Spain, visiting a Spanish-speaking country is a great place to go for a trip. This is the case whether you are looking for a beach vacation or a more urban trip. Here are the top five reasons why you should consider a Spanish-speaking country:

1. Spanish-speaking countries tend to be cheap. Visiting Cost Rica sure is cheaper than taking a trip to Hawaii. Most Central American countries are used to American tourists and cater to this crowd, so you get the advantages of a friendly place plus the cheapness of a lesser developed country.

2. Spanish-speaking countries are exciting. In Spain, most people eat dinner around midnight on the weekend and the party doesn't stop until well after the sun comes up. If you are night owl, you will finally find a place that understands your circadian rhythm.

3. Many of these countries are naturally beautiful. Whether it is the beaches of Mexico or the rainforest of Costa Rica, many Spanish-speaking countries are filled with natural beauty and are a pleasure to visit.

4. There are many interesting historical sites to visit. In Spain, you can view the country's magical history that spands centuries. In Central America, you can learn about the ancient Mayans and see some of the amazing Mayan ruins. Chichen Itza,in particular, is a spectacular site to see. Alternatively, you can visit South America and learn more about the Inca culture.

5. It is easy to learn some Spanish. While it is difficult to become fluent in any language, Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn. At the very least, it is not too difficult to get by. The locals are used to Western tourists with terrible Spanish so they can figure out what you want if you just make a good faith effort.

Reasons To Visit Spanish-speaking Countries

PreviousProduct Review: Jaco Resurgence Mma Fight Shorts

Product Review: Jaco Resurgence Mma Fight Shorts-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

If you have done a search for "MMA Shorts" or pretty much any term with the phrase "MMA" in it, you have undoubtedly seen an advertisement for Jaco Fight Shorts. Jaco refers to their shorts as the most technichally advanced fight shorts in the world. While I am not sure if that is true (because I haven't tried on every pair of MMA shorts in the world) I can say they are definitely the most advanced shorts in my personal collection. I am throughly impressed with both the feel and features of these shorts. Right now, Jaco has their shorts available in two colors, a black with white lettering and an olive with black lettering. I ended up going with the black pair.

The first thing I noticed about the shorts when they arrived was the feel of the material. The shorts have a feel similar to a rash guard. This is because the product contains 10% spandex in it, along with 90% polyester. This has a couple benefits. First off, it will wick the sweat away from your body and allow additional breathability. Another benefit of this, is it will make it more difficult for an opponent to tug at your shorts and use them against you during a rolling session because the shorts will have a slight stretch to them. In comparrision the other pairs of shorts that I own are either 100% polyester or 100% nylon.

The other thing that I noticed as I inspected the shorts is that it has a built in jock supporter holder. This is sewn right into the lining in the front of the shorts and allows you to slip your cup/supporter right into the shorts. I actually tried it out right away and my cup fit into the sleeve fine. I trained for my entire first session with the cup in the built in sleeve, and it worked well. The only thing I didn't like about this feature was that I was unable to adjust the position of the sleeve. I have the need for the supporter to sit a little bit lower on my body and I found myself wishing I could have adjusted the sleeve. Since Jaco is big on product research, I am sure they are continually looking at ways to improve their products, and I can see this feature being upgraded on their next line. As an alternative, on my second session I wore my supporter in my compression shorts. I was concerned that the sleeve might end up being in the way if it wasn't being used, but that was not an issue at all.

There are actually a couple other cool features that I noticed about the shorts after I trained with them. The first was a small feature, but a very conveinent one. It was the placement of the sleeve for your mouth guard. Most shorts that I have used have a sleeve which is in the front of the shorts, and you have to dig down the front of your pants to pull out the sleeve. Aside from looking unpleasant to be digging down the front of your shorts in public, it can also be difficult to do if you are wearing a pair of grappling gloves. Jaco found a very reasonable and useful solution to this. They have sewn in the sleeve to the shorts in the inside of the left leg. When you have to take out your mouth guard, you just turn over the front pant leg and pop it in the pocket.

Another thing that I utilized with the shorts was their feature to adjust the sizing of the shorts. I purchased a size 32, but depending on my weight I can be between a 30 or 32, which always makes it difficult for me to find shorts that fit me, because I fluxuate so much. Jaco came up with a pretty cool soultion for this. They created a compression waist-tightening system that can be tightened without creating "scrunching or cinching" around the waist. This system provides a compression style fit internally to the garment that allows the external look of the shorts to remain unchanged. The way it works is that the draw string for the shorts has the feature of being weaved in an out of the inner lining to allow it to tighten on the inside, while allowing the outside to look "unbunched". Most people might not notice or use this, but like I said, as I cut weight, my short size is always an issue, so this came in handy for me.

There was one other item in the shorts which I was sure had a purpose but I had no idea what it actually was, so I looked it up on Jaco's website. In the back of the shorts they have a liner (or actually more like a flap) which hangs down over where the drawstring is in the back. Jaco calls this the fly backing panel construction which is used to prevent rubbing and chafing from the fly's hook and loop material. It's just another small, unique feature that shows that Jaco has really put a lot of thought and development into this product.

As I said before, Jaco has these shorts available in two colors at the moment. If Jaco can continue to provide quality shorts with cutting edge features, as they start to expand their line with different styles and color options, I expect this company to become a popular vendor for MMA shorts in the near future. I know I will definitely buy another pair once a new style comes out. The shorts are reasonably priced at $60.00 a pair.

To purchase a pair of these shorts for yourself, you can click on one of the images below:

Product Review: Jaco Resurgence Mma Fight Shorts

PreviousPrinciples On Self-defense

Principles On Self-defense-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

It is true that there are some people who will prey on the others. Have you ever involved into these kinds of prey When you are involving an attack launched by a violent person, how will you do to protect yourself or your family

You may easily win the attacker if you have entered into a martial art training class and leaned some basic self-defensive skills. But if you have not learned these skills and there is no one who can help you when you are confronting an attack, you just rely on yourself. How will you defend yourself You need to remember the following principles.

You should keep alert. Keeping your mental alertness straight and focus is essential. The attack usually comes from the back, so you should make clear what is behind you. Once you realize something is abnormal, you should be ready and observe the people and place where you are staying.

Decisiveness is crucial in self-defense. If a bad person launches an attack to you, you should decide to respond quickly to defend against the attacker. Do not hesitate and delay, which will cause loss on you.

When re-attacking, you should show your aggressiveness. You should not initiate violence. But when it comes from others, you should be aggressive. You should make an explosive counterattack with all your might. Speed is the very helpful. You should move fast, and think quickly.

Usually, the attackers do not expect you will fight back, so if you counterattack aggressively, they will be surprised. In this way, you can give yourself a room for breathing.

These are the basic principles for personal defense. You should avoid violence as possible as you can but when you are attacked and threatened by others, you should make act quickly to surprise the attacker. Your purpose is to protect yourself and stay alive. So do not let the fight last long.

Principles On Self-defense

PreviousPg Accommodation For Boys In Delhi

Pg Accommodation For Boys In Delhi-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Many boys move from their home towns and settle in temporarily in other cities to make their careers. Youngsters often move to metro cities like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chennai for seeking the suitable jobs. They need a temporary accommodation in these cities. Suitable temporary arrangements are hostels, paying guest houses, room sharing with friends or colleagues and rental facilities in the city. As Delhi is the hub for all sorts of vocational and professional courses, it has become a patent destination for the students. Students need a proper care and attention and need a peaceful environment for study than the PG accommodation is only the best place for them.

These days paying guest has become the commonest accommodation for boys and girls. They provide both fooding and lodging facilities. One can be completely out of the tension of daily cooking and cleaning. In PG accommodation, one can only pay the monthly rental and house owner will manage all that needs to be done. Many people from other states and cities come to Delhi in search of a better job. There is n-number of industries present in and around Delhi. As for them this place is now a paying guest accommodation facilitates them a lot.

While looking for the PG accommodation, one makes sure that it is nearest to your college or work at place. It will save your time and money from traveling. The main objective of Pg accommodation is that youngsters get safe, secure, comfortable accommodation in metros. Especially for jobseekers, campus students and professionals. A healthy accommodation will give you a fit job and complete success. I would definitely suggest for PGs because they are much convenient and suitable than hostels. PGs are more hygienically clean and have peaceful environment with limited people and the suitable place, where all your necessary needs can be met easily.

To search or find the suitable PG accommodation for boys or girls is now easier by internet. There are many free online websites available who will guide you the best pg accommodation with good location and in convenient budget.

Pg Accommodation For Boys In Delhi

PreviousNewfoundland Avalon Region Explore The Historical Part!

Newfoundland Avalon Region Explore The Historical Part!-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Avalon Region is a wonderful travel destination and good numbers of people from different parts of the world come here to break their schedules. Avalon Region is closed to St. John s and closed to rocky shores. It is known that Avalon Peninsula initiates the beginning of North American and Newfoundland. It is a great location for photography and there are famous locations that will make you spellbound. You can have a nice time by spending in a good pub and tasting different appetizers in a restaurant. Every year, lots of traveler from different parts of the globe comes to visit Avalon Region. It seems that they are never worry about their accommodation, as there are countless rental properties. Buying a rental property will offer you lots of advantage. You can rent them for your trip and after your tour is done, and allow others to rent it.

Certainly, it is a wonderful medium to save money and also to earn good amount of cash. This is the main reason for which travelers those come to Avalon Region never go for booking a room in a hotel or a resort. During your trip to this wonderful place, you can see some of the most important cities in Avalon region. Most of the cities have many historical places and it will surely offer you lots of joy. You can only glance all such places, if you book nice places for you stay. Avalon Region properties are the right one and it can offer you outstanding results. On your trip to Avalon region with your friends and family, you can easily rent them and can have a glorious time. Well, choosing a hotel can be too pricey and it may break your bank. It is true that Avalon Peninsula is bounded by water and this is a good place to enjoy water sport activities. You can find people of all ages having a nice time on the seashore and spending time playing beach volleyball.

Some of the most well-know water sport activities are hiking, kayaking, sailing and others. You can only enjoy all these stuffs, if you have a nice place for accommodation. This is the main reason for which, you need to make good amount of plans before making your move to Avalon Region. If you have no idea to look for rental properties in Avalon Region, then try in the online medium. In the Internet, you can get good amounts websites those offer property rental facility. There are also online real estate agencies from where you can rent a property. This will save your money and also time. If you are thinking to offer a nice holiday tour to your family or your beloved, then Avalon Region is the best places. There are also good numbers food corners from where you can taste some famous Canadian appetizers.

Taste some of the best food menus that will water your mouth. It has been found that many online travel agencies also offer rental property. Just you need to spend time on the online medium and look for the right provider. You can also get local travel agencies those offer property rentals. The beauty of nature of Avalon will make you spellbound and it can only be done, if you choose the right property rentals. If you are well known with the place or a native to that region, then ask local people. Certainly, they will offer you nice idea and ways to find accommodation in Avalon Region. So, get ready and pack up your luggage for a holiday trip to Avalon Region. Today!

Newfoundland Avalon Region Explore The Historical Part!

PreviousBikini Contest A Few Basic Tips

Mma Profile Of B.j. Penn-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

With the huge MMA following that is now circling the globe, the main fighters are getting a lot more publicity. There are some key fighters in the sport that have accumulated some incredible records and some even more fearsome reputations. One fighter that has been a staple of MMA for quite some time now is that of B.J. Penn. B.J. Penn, also known as "the prodigy", stands at a mere 5 feet and 9 inches and weighs in around 155.

Penn was born on December 13, 1978 in Hilo Hawaii and specializes in Boxing and Jiu-Jitsu. He began his MMA career early n his life at the age of 17 when he first started getting into the Brazilian style of Jiu-Jitsu. In 1997 he began training under Ralph Gracie and ended up getting his black belt in 2000. He ended up winning the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship as well.

B.J. Penn then went looking for bigger and better venues. He caught the attention of the UFC and president Dana White and they were able to persuade him to switch to Mixed Martial Arts. Penn's first fight was in 2001 on May 24, and he got a victory over Joey Gilbert. He showed some promise in his stand up game and delivered some knockouts to other competitors.

The first real MMA milestone he hit was in 2004 when he won an MMA championship at UFC 46. He beat the defending champion Matt Hughes in a higher weight class, and did so with a rear naked choke. The fight only took four minutes in the first round. This garnered B.J. a lot of publicity and after a few more fights he decided that there wasn't enough competition in the UFC and wanted to look elsewhere to find challenging competitors.

From there Penn did a short stint in the FEG, which is the Japanese Fighting and Entertainment Group. The UFC rescinded his welterweight title saying he breached contract and so he went on to take on some new opponents. In 2006 Penn agreed to a settlement with the UFC and that he would return back the league. In his return fight, he lost to Georges St. Pierre in a split decision.

The next big fight in the league was his rematch with Matt Hughes where he lost the fight once Hughes got him to the ground and pounded his face until the referee stopped the fight. After that, he then went on to be a coach for The Ultimate Fighter in 2007 and even got to rematch Jens Pulver where he won the fight with another rear naked choke.

Penn would once again challenge for the Welterweight title on Dec. 31, 2009 against Georges St. Pierre but would once again be defeated in the ring by his quickness and his takedowns. After the loss, Penn announced that he would have retired with his two belts had he won the fight. Penn has been a great fighter in the UFC and continues to show his great Jiu-Jitsu and striking skills along with quick hands and fast decision making skills.

Mma Profile Of B.j. Penn

PreviousMixed Martial Arts - The World's Fastest-growing Sport

Mixed Martial Arts - The World s Fastest-growing Sport-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

How soon things change. It seems like yesterday we were talking about how fast the fan base for Nascar was growing. Some people even foolishly talked about it possible taking over the NFL in popularity someday. Nascar's growth and fan base has since taken a hit, most likely due to the recent economy problems over the last couple of years. That said, Mixed Martial Arts, MMA is the new reigning "worlds fastest growing sport" as we enter 2010, and looks to be for the foreseeable future.

Don't get me wrong, the NFL is still the 800 pound gorilla when it comes to total fan base and world popularity, but MMA has shown substantial growth over the last decade, and even faster over the last 5 years. No growth like this ever lasts forever, but it's hard to say how long it could last for MMA, given the momentum the sport has, and more specifically, the UFC or Ultimate Fighting Championship.

The UFC is currently MMA's biggest promotion, and therefore has the world's best stable of fighter's. The UFC has also become the new darling of Las Vegas much to the chagrin of the powers that be in the boxing world. But instead of being bitter, the sport of boxing needs to take a look at why that is. For one, you can't get any big fights for free anymore when it comes to boxing. The UFC on the other hand, air's free broadcast's labled "UFC Fight Night" on Spike ever couple of months at least, and usually more than that. And these are normally big main events that the hardcore fans want to see, not fighters that nobody knows.

And more recent, news of StrikeForce's signing of the worlds best fighter Fedor Emelianenko shook the MMA world, and now Fedor will hope to become a household name by way of free network broadcasting of the sport's most popular fighter in a contract with CBS.

The key to enjoying the excitement of the sport though, is to understand all the different aspects of the sport, and to recognize the transitions that you see throughout a typical fight. The least understood of these being the "ground game". To the casual observer, this might seem boring compared to striking (the term used in MMA referring to the stand up phase of a fight). And sometimes it is with average talent. But when you have two world class grappler's going at it, its the most exciting part of a fight in my opinion.

What a new fan should watch for on the ground is the use of "the guard", and the escape from this position for the other fighter, also known as "passing the guard." The guard position consists of the fighter on bottom to control his/her opponent by wrapping his/her legs around the waist of the fighter on top while controlling the head, keeping him/her off balance, making it easier to sweep or submit the other. Normally the fighter on top or "in the guard" will try to get his/her legs around the leg's of the opponent, or to "ground and pound" the other fighter with strikes from the top position. There are usually no submissions from inside the guard.

It's impossible to cover all the nuances of the sport in this article, but once the more common ideas of the grappling part of MMA is understood by new and non fans, the more enjoyment will come out of watching great fights and understanding how technical these fighters are, not to mention the level of conditioning that it takes to compete in this sport. Most think it rivals that of their counterparts in the NFL, or any other sport for that matter. So the next time you are around a new fan, take a minute to explain the fastest growing sport in the world. See you at the fights!

Mixed Martial Arts - The World's Fastest-growing Sport

PreviousMatrix Aikido In Five Simple Steps

Matrix Aikido In Five Simple Steps-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

I encountered much opposition when putting together Matrix Aikido. People claimed I was being disrespectful to the founder of Aikido and to Aikidoists everywhere. The truth is that I am paying the greatest respect to Aikido, and people understand this when they see the five steps necessary to Matrix Aikido.

In learning Matrix Aikido the first step is that you must not resist your opponent. This classical concept proves that my methodology does not deviate from classical concepts. When the attacker comes in, you must not resist, you must not resist, you must go with, and if you do this then he will not be able to resist your entering his technique.

There is a second half to this concept of not resisting, and it is to not resist yourself. The interesting thing is that this concept does not have to be explained in any way. The fact that one stop resisting an opponent makes one stop resisting oneself naturally, as part of the whole procedure of learning Matrix Aikido.

The second concept if you wish to learn Matrix Aikido is that you must learn to take your attacker's moves and mirror them. This means that if he steps forward with the left foot and punches with the left hand, you step forward with the right foot and the right hand and blend with him to make your technique work. The really fascinating thing is that the mirroring can be done with either the right or the left side, regardless of whether the attacker attacks with the right or the left side.

The third concept in Matrix Aikido evolves naturally from the second, and it is learning how to take charge. By not resisting one can perceive, by perceiving, one can mirror, and by mirroring, one can take charge of the action. This is a crucial step in Matrix Aikido, as it involves very real changes to the student's psyche.

To become your opponent is the fourth concept if you wish to learn Matrix Aikido. When you do not resist the technique you do not resist the person. Learning to love your enemies is a cornerstone of Aikido and a very spiritual level.

The fifth concept in Matrix Aikido is to become Aikido. As you do not resist, and learn to blend and merge with an opponent, you learn to submerge yourself in art. This is a separate universe which is not perceived by normal human beings, and yet it is a universe to which all should aspire.

This universe is built upon strife, contention, and the never ending conflict between mankind. Yet, it does not have to be so. The True Way, whether through the months it takes to learn Matrix Aikido,or the decades it takes to learn Classical Aikido, is available to the man or woman who opens their minds and hearts.

Matrix Aikido In Five Simple Steps

PreviousMartial Arts Forms: Is There A Style That Is More Deadlier Than The Other

Martial Arts Forms: Is There A Style That Is More Deadlier Than The Other -Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Which Martial Arts style is the best There are many Martial Arts forms and styles to choose from, and there can even be different forms within a style to choose from. So which one is the best to train in

Well, the Martial Arts forms or styles you train in all depend on WHY you're training in them. Are you just training for exercise purposes or self defense purposes, or both Are you looking for martial arts forms that give you an advantage from a standing position, grappling, or ground fighting So the martial arts forms that are "best" depend on your training purposes.

There are many that are looking for the deadliest style of martial arts that offer the ultimate fighting training regimen. All martial arts forms and styles can be deadly if used correctly, but some are better suited for exercise and form while others are better suited for the street. Of all the martial arts forms I have trained in if I had to pick one that I would consider to be the deadliest style of martial arts, one that offers the ultimate fighting training system that is extremely effective on the street, it would have to be Pressure Point Fighting!!!!!

Pressure Point Fighting is one of the deadliest syle of martial arts because it deals with knowing exactly where to strike in different situations and with different sizes and strengths of opponents.

Pressure Point fighting gives you the ultimate fighting training as it is a system that teaches you exactly where to attack in different situations and with different attackers. You can learn how to literally "leap" into your attacker and take him out of commission. Then, you can attack any number of pressure points--- and the fight is over! Some of these pressure points just cause pain, internal pain and many can even cause death.

There are many martial arts forms to train in, and they are all excellent. The "best" one to train in depends on your PURPOSE for training. If you are looking for the most street effective form, one that just might be considered one of the deadliest style of martial arts and offers an ultimate fighting training system that ends a fight fast, look into Pressure Point Fighting.

Visit Martial Arts Pressure Points to learn 3 of the easiest but nastiest pressure point fighting techniques you can use right now!

Martial Arts Forms: Is There A Style That Is More Deadlier Than The Other

PreviousMartial Arts Fitness And Effective Diet Plans

Martial Arts Fitness And Effective Diet Plans-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

The majority of Martial Artists and athletes take their sports nutrition seriously so they can get all the benefits of the hard training. They also want to make their diet plans as effective and sufficient as possible because the physical demands of the workouts can indeed be quite strenuous and stressful on your body.

If not backed up by proper nutrition, your workouts and training sessions could possibly have an adverse affect on your entire body so it's always in your best interest to implement a proper nutrition plan.

There is no one standard that will clearly identify exactly what an optimum sports nutrition plan is. Although there are several products on the market that are advertised as being the single answer for your nutrition needs, in reality they cannot give you the results you are looking for. In other words there is no "magic pill" or one size fits all.

The reason these products can't live up their hype and can't supply you with everything you need is because each person is different and consideration has to be given to the condition of every individual's body. Only after identifying and realizing what your body's current physical status is, will you be able to know which nutrition product or plan is best for you.

The basics of an effective athletic nutrition plan that best fits your training and fitness level, consists of three fundamental requirements.

First, there has to be an adequate intake of enough fluids, which may or may not contain additional components that are equally beneficial. Second, there must be a proper diet plan to provide your body with the necessary nutrients. Third, certain supplements and vitamins must be combined with the first two to further boost their impact on your body.

An effective diet plan for one person may not work for someone else mainly because every person has different needs, physical characteristics and other unique circumstances. And these need to be carefully considered prior to implementing any type of diet plan.

The nutrients that are usually beneficial for any athlete are carbohydrates and protein. These two play a major role in enabling your body to cope with the extreme stress that comes with Martial Arts workouts while at the same time boosting your immune system. Although there are food supplement suppliers that claim to have a sufficient supply of these nutrients included in their product, the real foods that you eat are usually the best source.

If you should choose to visit a physician to discuss what may be best for your particular diet plan, bear in mind that a significant part of a physician's diagnosis or recommendation depends on what you tell them. Providing them in detail what your training agenda plans are will indeed help a lot in their recommendations.

Simply identifying what the best nutrition plan is not enough to expect results. Like any successful thing you do in life, you must commit yourself to your diet plan. It needs to be in constant partnership with your fitness training and workouts.

An irregular nutrition program will not give you the results you're looking for and may even cause adverse effects since you body may get confused with the intermittent amounts of nutrients being ingested.

In any case proper sports nutrition for a Martial Artist is what every practitioner should aim for at all times. Your body is at stake so really, there's no room for compromises. The best and most effective diet plan should remain your target no matter what.

Copyright (c) 2008 Mike Matthews

Martial Arts Fitness And Effective Diet Plans

PreviousMartial Arts Benefit - Self-discipline Improvement

Martial Arts Benefit - Self-discipline Improvement-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Self-discipline is perhaps one of the most difficult traits to cultivate not just in others but especially in one s self. Children naturally find it harder to learn self-discipline because they lack the experience and maturity to fully understand its value. But if you enroll your child in a martial arts school, self-discipline and a lot more positive traits are his to conquer in no time!

Why It s Important for Kids to Learn Self-Discipline and Self-Control Early
While it is certainly your duty as a parent to teach your children how to differentiate right from wrong, it s also important to train them early to make such decisions for themselves. If you allow your child to grow up depending on your authority and other external factors to determine the proper thing to do, he shall find himself helpless and incapable of doing what s right even as an adult, much less care about the consequences of his actions.

When you teach your child self-discipline early, they take their first steps to growing up and taking responsibility of their actions. They begin to understand about the things they have to do not just because they re told but because it s right. They will understand, for instance, that homework, house chores, and even eating broccoli, are things they have to do, even if it s somewhat unpleasant.

Self-control is naturally intertwined with self-discipline. It is impossible for one to exist without the other. Whereas self-discipline governs one s ability to make decisions, self-control governs one s control over his mind and body.

With self-control, your child learns early that it s not right to let their angers rule their thoughts. They also to learn to exercise their will and use mind over matter.

The Benefits of Having Self-Discipline
Once your child attains self-discipline through martial arts, you ll be surprised at positive impact it can have in his life.

More Self-Confidence
Greater self-discipline is equivalent to greater progress in martial kids. And with kids, their self-confidence tends to grow every time they move another level and the color of their belt changes.

Better Health
You ll find self-disciplined kids easier to guide when it comes to proper nutrition, too. Your kids will be more willing to listen and obey once you explaining to them the benefits of eating lots of greens and avoiding too much junk food.

If they are struggling with weight problems, you ll also find it easier to maintain the proper diet and exercise regime for them. Their martial arts sessions will naturally help in keeping them physically fit as well.

Improved Social Interaction Skills
Self-discipline also helps children develop positive social interaction traits. They become friendlier and although they may become more competitive, they also understand the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork, and equality. They also become more understanding of other children s differences with them and avoid bullying or ostracizing other kids because of those differences.

Martial Arts Benefit - Self-discipline Improvement

PreviousLocating Your New Houston Apartment: A City Filled With Excitement

Locating Your New Houston Apartment: A City Filled With Excitement-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

Apartment dwellers say they have two priorities when it comes to choosing a place to live: affordability and closeness to work, shopping and recreation. Houston apartments have plenty of both advantages!

Affordability is no problem, because Houston has some of the most affordable housing and the second-lowest cost of living among comparable cities its size. The city basks in housing costs that rank 39 percent BELOW the average of 26 other major American cities with populations of more than 1.5 million. You can have your pick of lofts or Highrise apartments set amid all the urban excitement, or choose something in the more serene suburbs, such as Pearland.

Houston downtown apartments are the place to settle if your vision of an exciting lifestyle revolves around culture. Its 17-block Theater District in downtown Houston teems with more than 12,000 seats offered by eight performing arts associations. Only New York City has as many theaters in a single neighborhood. And in August, all eight performing arts groups open their venues for "behind the scenes" tours.

Plus, there's a stunning range of art galleries and museums with walking distance of Houston downtown apartments, including big collections such as the Contemporary Art Museum and small gems like the Menil Collection, housing works by surrealist artists Dali and Magritte along with impressionist Henri Matisse. For more of a global experience, check out one of Houston's nearly 100 galleries, museums and art organizations devoted to multicultural and minority arts.

No matter where you find an apartment in town, you could eat your way around the globe and never have to leave the city! Houstonians dine out more than residents of any other city, according to the New York Times. The city outstrips its closest rival, Dallas, for the most restaurants featuring ethnic cuisine, starting with Afghan and ending with Vietnamese.

If sports are your thing, then you'll want to look for an apartment near Reliant Park, home to professional baseball's Astros, basketball's Rockets and football's Texans. Add in dozens of local teams and clubs for amateur athletes, and sports fans find out quickly that there's never a "down" season in Houston.

Do you indulge in a little "retail therapy" from time to time Then you'll want to look for an apartment in Houston's Post Oaks neighborhood, home of the fabled Galleria and hundreds of other plazas and shops. Houston Galleria apartments will definitely give you the feeling that you are staying in the most luxurious five-star hotel and yet welcome you with the true feeling of home.

Houston has a youthful vigor, thanks to the students at more than 40 universities, colleges and institutions of higher education located in the greater metropolitan area. Apartments are available near such well-known institutions as Rice, Texas Southern, the University of St. Thomas and the widespread and respected University of Houston system of colleges. Nearly 40 percent of Houstonians are age 24 or younger, and another 34 percent are between ages 35 and 44. That gives Houston plenty of energy. Apartments near the University of Houston are therefore popular with the younger generations and students who come to Houston for college.

In short, there's no match for an exciting lifestyle in Houston. Have fun choosing one of the Houston apartments designed for your needs so you'll be close to your favorite attractions!

Locating Your New Houston Apartment: A City Filled With Excitement

PreviousLearn About The History Of Reyes Boxing Gloves

Learn About The History Of Reyes Boxing Gloves-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

When most of us think about our favorite past times we think of football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. And all of these sports have rich and beautiful pasts with many heroes and stories to be heard. But there is one sport out there with a very deep and emotional past - Boxing.

Boxing actually dates all the way back to 688 B.C. when it was added to the Olympic games. It was there that it was first found in written history. But many believe it dates back much earlier than in 688 B.C. Many say hand to hand sports have been used for entertainment since the dawn of time.

Through out history the sport of boxing has changed in many ways in terms of rules and the way the sport has been portrayed. In the early years epically during the time before boxing gloves the sport was seen a very violent, unrefined, and dangerous.

But as the sport has become more popular and more states that were not allow to host shows began pushing legislation for allowance of the sport. Many states and sanctioning bodies implemented rules and regulations to make the sport more refined and safer for it constants.

The biggest change to boxing was boxing gloves. These gloves not only made the sport seem less violent it improved the way it s practitioners trained. At the time many boxers trained bare fist which didn t allow them to spare for long. The gloves which some called mufflers allowed them to spare more often without doing lots of damage to each other.

There are many names out there that run deep in boxing history and have amazing stories to be told like Cleto Reyes s story. Cleto Reyes was a young boxer from Mexico who loved boxing and dedicated his life to making one of the best known name brand gloves in the world - the Reyes Boxing Gloves.

Learn About The History Of Reyes Boxing Gloves

PreviousKnowing Your Revenue Streams

Knowing Your Revenue Streams-Replica Handbags,Replica LV Gucci Chanel Handbags

To maximize your revenue from martial arts school, you must have a clear understanding of your revenue streams.

Read these carefully. Not all will apply to you, but wouldn t it be nice if they did One clear requirement for successfully utilizing most of these is that you will have to use agreements rather than month-to-month programs.

Revenue Stream 1
Down Payments on New Student Agreements

Also known as a registration fee, this is the initial investment a student makes to join your school. Typically, this is at least two months tuition. For instance, a program is $199 down payment/registration and $99 per month for 12 months or ongoing.

Revenue Stream 2
Down Payments on Renewing Agreements

This is the initial investment a student makes in order to renew or upgrade in your school. The best strategy for this has been the Black Belt Club. If you do not have a solid system for upgrades and renewals, this stream is dry for you.

Revenue Stream 3
Monthly Tuition
This is the lifeblood of your school. As you grow your school, your monthly tuition should grow as well. Ideally, your monthly tuition would cover your base operating expenses each month. For instance, if all the monthly expenses, including your salary, totaled $12,000, your monthly tuition collections from your billing company would cover that amount. In that very healthy scenario, these other streams are 100 percent profit. Mind you, this is not easy to accomplish, but even 75% of expenses paid from your billing check would be good.

Revenue Stream 4
Product Sales
Consider your retail shop as though it were a separate business. Open a separate business checking account for your retail, and deposit all gear sales revenue into that account. Use an American Express card or any other credit card that requires pay-off each month to pay for equipment purchases. When you place an order, pay for it with your credit card. This gives you up to 30 days to sell the equipment to your students. As they pay for the equipment, deposit the funds into the retail account.

When the credit card bill for the equipment is due, pay for it with a check from the retail account. Since you are usually doubling your money, this retail account will grow fast. Your credit rating will grow, as well as your rewards for using the card. Ideally, you will build a large cash reserve and save money on plane tickets and vacations, too.

Sell thousands of martial arts products and supplies directly from your website. You choose which products to sell, set the retail price, and still only pay wholesale. Veteran schools have reported that they have tripled their retail sales using this valuable service.

Best of all, student payments go straight into your bank account and you are billed your wholesale rate, allowing you to better manage your cash flow and not have to wait for your referral check to arrive.

Revenue Stream 5
Special Events
Even if you don t charge for testing, you will want to host at least one special event each month for your student body. These can range from nunchaku seminars to board-breaking, "Fear Into Power" seminars. These are not only pretty easy to manage, but they are a lot of fun. My nunchaku seminars were always packed with 30 to 50 students and would generate around $500-$1,000 per event. The fee of $25 included two rubber nunchaku to use in the class, so it was almost pure profit.

Birthday parties would also go under this category. A two-hour $250 birthday party is not only a revenue generator, but also a lead generator. Some schools have at least one birthday party per week, so it s a proven winner.

Revenue Stream 6
Testing/Grading Fees
I didn t include these with Special Events, because exam fees are a little different from special events. Most exams for stripes occur in class, and they usually don t require a fee. The main graduations on the weekends require additional work and staff, so it s reasonable to charge for these events.

Typically, exam fees range from $30 to $50 and increase with rank. Black belt exams can be as much as $200 to $300 but, to justify this higher fee, you should provide additional prep classes for the black belt candidates.

Some schools are large enough that they rent auditoriums to showcase their graduating black belts or to conduct the exam. The exam fee should cover these additional expenses.

Revenue Stream 7
Fast Track Testing
This is a touchy subject and has to be handled carefully. The idea is simply that some people are willing to invest more money to get through your belt system faster.

Revenue Stream 8
Paid in Fulls
In recent years, Paid In Fulls (PIFs) have made a huge comeback. MASS and other such organizations have championed the cash out as a way of getting maximum revenue from a student base that will more than likely drop out anyway. As much as I dislike the idea of treating all students like potential dropouts, smart use of Paid in Fulls can significantly boost your bottom line.

Revenue Stream 9
Renewals and Upgrades
Black Belt Club and Masters Club are the most popular and proven renewal programs. For now, we want to focus on the renewal as a revenue generator.

Common practice has been to upgrade someone to a BBC or MC and replace his New Student agreement or program with the more expensive BBC or MC program. In most cases, the renewal had a registration of $299 or so, and tuition increased $10 per month.

Another popular strategy is to keep the student on their current tuition plan, but charge them a one-time or annual fee to upgrade to BBC or MC. For instance, a student is paying $110 per month for her current program. A BBC or Masters' Club upgrade is presented as an annual upgrade for $500.

Revenue Stream 10
Discounting a Past-Due Contract
When I was a publisher for Martial Arts Professional magazine, we sold advertising to clients who wanted to reach and sell to our readers. On occasion, an advertiser would want to cancel the contract. In the world or publishing, the process for doing this is called shorting the contract.

In exchange for committing to a set number of ads, the advertiser would be given a discount for each ad they placed. Shorting the contract meant that the ads the client ran would be re-billed at the one-time rate and, if he paid the difference, we d release him from the contract.

Revenue Stream 11
Career Training Programs
For years, I ve taught the importance of creating a Leadership Team of assistant instructors to help you provide a higher level of service to your students. Typically, the Leadership Team is a by invitation only program for Black Belt Club members.

More and more schools are expanding Leadership Team programs into a precursor to a full-blown Career Development program that trains students to become martial arts school owners and instructors. Students pay for the right to attend staff meetings, practice role playing, and venture "into the kitchen" of the school.

Tuition for these programs are as high as $7,900 for a two-year course. Keep in mind that, in order to offer this, you really have to know this business cold and create a solid curriculum on par with a vocational school, because, in a sense, that s what you are offering.
Student Audit

This is not so much a revenue stream as a way of plugging leaks in your cash flow. The Student Program Audit is a single sheet of paper with three columns and 11 rows. The columns are for a student s first, second, and third programs within a school. Typically, these are New Student, Black Belt Club, and Masters' Club, but any program will work.

The first six rows are the various payment options a student might use in your school. The next two are the start and end date for the program, which are followed by a check mark to make sure the Party Responsible for Paying is noted in the agreement and that the injury waiver has been signed. Your job is to audit each and every student s file to make sure you have each of these important items in the student s folder.

The first few times you do a Student Audit, it is like found money. You will be amazed at how much important paperwork is missing. More than that, you will be stunned at how many students are training who have expired or have no record of payments.

Staple one Student Audit to the outside of each student file.

Build Around Your Core
Not all of these revenue streams will be for you. That s why the Core Dynamic of Finding Your Own Voice is so important. I personally helped create many popular trends in this industry. I also made it clear what programs I would never teach, even though I developed and sold them. What is good for me may not be good for you. Know what you like, and why you are doing this for a living, and then build strong revenue streams around those core programs.

Knowing Your Revenue Streams

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