
linq to xml(增删改查)

<?"1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><bookstore> <!--记录书本的信息--> <book Type="必修课" ISBN="7-111-19149-2"> <title>数据结构</title> <author>严蔚敏</author> <price>30.00</price> </book> <book Type="必修课" ISBN="7-111-19149-3"> <title>路由型与交换型互联网基础</title> <author>程庆梅</author> <price>27.00</price> </book> <book Type="选修课" ISBN="7-111-19149-1"> <title>计算机操作系统</title> <author>张文明</author> <price>28</price> </book></bookstore>


 string path = @"C:\Users\asus\Desktop\test.";  XElement xe;  public MainWindow()  {   InitializeComponent();   xe= XElement.Load(path);  }


 public class BookModel  {   public BookModel()   { }   /// <summary>   /// 所对应的课程类型   /// </summary>   private string bookType;   public string BookType   {    get { return bookType; }    set { bookType = value; }   }   /// <summary>   /// 书所对应的ISBN号   /// </summary>   private string bookISBN;   public string BookISBN   {    get { return bookISBN; }    set { bookISBN = value; }   }   /// <summary>   /// 书名   /// </summary>   private string bookName;   public string BookName   {    get { return bookName; }    set { bookName = value; }   }   /// <summary>   /// 作者   /// </summary>   private string bookAuthor;   public string BookAuthor   {    get { return bookAuthor; }    set { bookAuthor = value; }   }   /// <summary>   /// 价格   /// </summary>   private double bookPrice;   public double BookPrice   {    get { return bookPrice; }    set { bookPrice = value; }   }   }

 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {      XElement record = new XElement(    new XElement("book",    new XAttribute("Type", "选修课"),    new XAttribute("ISBN", "7-111-19149-1"),    new XElement("title", "计算机操作系统"),    new XElement("author", "张文明"),    new XElement("price", 28.00)));       xe.Add(record);       xe.Save(path);  }

 private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {   foreach (var item in xe.Elements("book").Where(x => x.Attribute("ISBN").Value== "7-111-19149-1").ToList())   {    item.Remove();   }   xe.Save(path);  }

 private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {   foreach (var item in xe.Elements("book").Where(x => x.Attribute("ISBN").Value == "7-111-19149-1").ToList())   {    item.Element("title").Value = "test";   }   xe.Save(path);  }



 private void Button_Click_3(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)  {   List<BookModel> bookModelList = new List<BookModel>();   foreach (var item in xe.Elements("book").Where(x => x.Attribute("ISBN").Value == "7-111-19149-1").ToList())   {        BookModel bookModel = new BookModel();    bookModel.BookType = item.Attribute("Type").Value;    bookModel.BookISBN = item.Attribute("ISBN").Value;    bookModel.BookName = item.Element("title").Value;    bookModel.BookPrice =Convert.ToDouble( item.Element("price").Value);    bookModel.BookAuthor = item.Element("author").Value;    bookModelList.Add(bookModel);   }   dg1.ItemsSource = bookModelList;  }


linq to xml(增删改查)

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