
What is your customs guarantee for replica LV bags---Replica Handbags

What is your customs guarantee for replica LV bags--BuyLvHandbag.com

Q: How do I return for a refund or exchange BuyLvHandbag.com

A: In order to process your return you must send us an email with the details of your order and the items you would like to return.In order to process a replacement or refund you must return the items you received at your expense and provide a tracking number.We do not charge re stocking fee.


 What is your customs guarantee--BuyLvHandbag.com

A: Our shipping takes only 7-10 days and is guaranteed. That means guaranteed through customs and guaranteed delivery to your door! You don't need to worry about customs seizure or insurance because we guarantee it; we will reship once at our expense.
We understand your concerns regarding the matter but, I would like to inform you that 99% of our customers receive their packages with no hassles. In off chance that there is a problem we will reship once at our expense.
In order to guarantee a secure route through customs and avoid high import taxes and duties, we pack our bags in a special way. We also mark the package at a low value and we ship only small quantities.
We hope you find this to be the building blocks of a long standing relationship with us.BuyLvHandbag.com

What is your customs guarantee for replica LV bags--BuyLvHandbag.com

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