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Privacy policy
We collect information from our customers to process orders and better serve you with pertinent information, such as order confirmations, to provide you with information on products and services that are available from us or parties associated with us.
Information collected includes your name, shipping address, billing address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, and payment information such as your credit card number.We will not sell, share, or rent this information to any third parties, except as outlined in this policy,we only share your personal information with third parties working on our behalf to complete your order, such as EMS.

Security policy
aaa-handbags.com protects the security of your information during transmission when order online.
aaa-handbags.com takes precautions to protect its customers' information. When you submit personal information via the website, we follow policies and procedures designed to protect your information both online and offline. All cnreplicas.com servers, including web servers and database servers, are housed and maintained in secure locations. Access to the database is strictly monitored and protected from outside access. Internet access is restricted and protected by multiple firewalls. The servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secured environment, inside a secured and locked room.

100% customs clearance guarantee
Some of our customers may query about the customs clearance, because these are the replicas. You dont need to worry about that, We have long experience on export, we can let our replicas pass the customs by our special way.We guarantee that the items will be sent to you safely. We are confident of this, in the event that a shipment is seized we will reship at our own expense.

* What to do if out of stock
Since the large quantity of goods are shipped from our warehouse, sometimes temporary out of stock may happen, in this case we will contact you as soon as possible, you may choose what to do from the following suggests:
1. If the goods will arrive in a week, you may choose to wait for the goods。
2. If the goods will take long time to arrive, you may choose to change the watch 。
3. You may reselect the same price product
4. You may give your idea and discuss with our server

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Louis Vuitton Malletier is commonly know as Louis Vuitton or shortened to LV.Louis Vuitton is a French fashion house founded in 1854. The Louis Vuitton is well known for its Louis Vuitton monogram handbags which is featured on most products, ranging from luxury trunks and leather goods to ready-to-wear,shoes,watches,jewellery,accessories, sunglasses, and books. Louis Vuitton is one of the world's leading international fashion houses. Louis Vuitton sells its products through small boutiques in high-end department stores,through in the e-commerce section of its website.

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