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Sol card (Luca Solca) said by telephone. "Overall, Gucci and PPR now to channel is more cautious." Gucci group core brand, Gucci brand sales 3.2%. After deducting currency fluctuations, opening of more than one year Gucci brand monopoly store sales dropped 8%. It marks the performance deterioration in the first half of this year, the group, the exchange rate adjustment, after sales group total Gucci, Gucci brand with the shop 3.7% sales growth in a year ago, 0.6 financial crisis hasnt affect luxury consumer group, the sales is constantly Gucci growth. Palus says, smaller but more expensive Bottega Veneta brand in the third quarter, with sales in stores, after deducting currency fluctuations dropped 12% Yves Saint Laurent brand, and fell by 20%. And earlier this weeks biggest rivals moet hennessy dolce and gabbana published by the sales data, sales data group Gucci.BuyLvHandbag.com

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leader in the top replica designer handbags industry--BuyLvHandbag.com

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