
Amliya Concept Bags-Replica Handbags

These days, I was deeply attracted by a kind of concept bags of Amliya which is a famous Italian bag brand. Frankly speaking, I know little about it. I decided to take a good look at the brand as soon as I saw these fresh pictures of its bag products. Actually, I admit that these exaggerated while novel styles show ingenious mind of designers, They obsolutely add much enjoyment to me.

As far as I concerned, originally, Amliya is the name of a woman marquis. The brand derive from a sweet love story I really want to know what had happened. In 1950, Amliya s founder Joe D Amato was born in an aristocratic tanner family in the south of suburbs of Italian Florence. Before 1950, the family basically worked for the horse-riding thing and other leather product. They opened a workshop to manufacture the horse saddle, harness, and other equipment for riding lovers. With the rapid development of economy and the transportation in the 19th century in London, more and more people have strong need of handbags and suitcases. Therefore, Joe D Amato s father designed many graceful samples of handbags and decorations with the Italian tenacious leather. Because of the top creftmanship, these products soom became one of the necessary of imperial family and aristocrats.

Deeply effected by edification of his family, when Joe D Amato grown up, he became one of the best designers at that time. As the same time, he fell in love with English aristocrat marchioness Amliya. While unfortunately, after two years, the beautiful marchioness Amliya was died of wreck when the ship was returning to London. Joe D Amato could not recover after a setback, and he just keep himself in the garret every day, facing the picture and other things which Amliya left. In order to prevent him to giving up the designing talent, Joe D Amato s father spent half year in designing a unique handbag according to a carapace insect car which Amliya left. One day, when Joe D Amato was sleeping, his father put Amliya s pictures and other things into that bag. When Joe D Amato wake up and wanted to search Amliya s picture, this bag has finally stimulated the Joe D Amato s design inspiration and the enthusiasm of family and dream. After two years, in 1978, people all over the world were familiar with the brand called Amliya.

Amliya s bags are of unique style and distinguish appearance. Like the honeybee shape, the teapot shape, the shoes shape and so on. Amliya aims to show a casual attitude toward life. If you are tied of carrying handbags of professional style, then you d better try the concept bags with interesting elements. I m sure you will be the focus in crowd. Don t consider them just as models or toys, do remember they are model handbags.

Amliya Concept Bags

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