
Google celebrates life of microchip pioneer Robert Noyce Electronics News

Google's famous front-page Doodle today has been changed to that of a microchip for 12 December, in celebration of what would have been Robert Noyce's 84th birthday.

Noyce was born 12 December 1927, and was co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel.

Along with Jack Kilby, Noyce is credited with independently inventing the integrated circuit, filing a patent in July 1959 for a Semiconductor Device and Lead Structure. His early role and mentorship earned him his nickname “the Mayor of Silicon Valley”.

Noyce held 16 patents related to semiconductor and transistor technology, and has been recognised and awarded by no less than three US presidents for his role in transforming the world technologically.

Noyce died 3 June 1990 , while holding the office of president and CEO of Sematech, a non-profit semiconductor research consortium.

Google celebrates life of microchip pioneer Robert Noyce Electronics News

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